Picking paint colors is hard.  I gave you a bit of a taste of my color selection process in my bathroom paint post.  Here I’ll quote:

Whoa that’s too dark.  Oh but that one is probably too light.  I think I like this one.  Well wait, is it too…uh… something? Okay no, definitely the first one.  Except maybe the second one really is it.

I thought I’d give you a glimpse into just how many paint chips and testers I’ve been burning through.

Are you ready for this? I’ll start small.  These are the gray finalists for my bedroom:

To help you out, I’ll let you know there are 12 colors up there.  And of course by “finalist” I mean ones that I’m willing to selectively dish out the dough for the testers.  The reject gray pile looks like this:

The living room/whole house color has been harder.

So that’s 19 finalists, and [unintelligible] rejects:

As far as actual testers go, I didn’t take a picture.  But I counted.  There are only 8* 11.  I have 2 more free ones coming my way soon though!  And possibly just one* absolutely zero more that I want to buy.  You can see a few of the tester spots in the living room wall picture but I didn’t feel like going around to the other spots for pictures.

Speaking of the living room testers.  See the one that’s second from the left?  I’m going with that one!  It’s Natural Linen, it looks a bit less gray and more linen-y in real life.  This is what the internet shows the color looking like:

If you can believe that!  But anyway… I’m so decisive!  Helps that there’s a paint sale this weekend.    Normally I’d take another 12 weeks to stare at it and go through the “well is it the one, or is it too… something?” before I could fully commit.  But I’m all about the quick decisions right now.


* I wrote this a few days ago and scheduled it to post today.  I already had to re-write part of it when I found out about the paint sale.  Then last night I went and got 3 more testers… Yes, 3 more.  I may need an intervention.  But honestly, I don’t want anymore!  I think I’m finally set!  Or I will be once my free ones arrive.  Well, and if they’re what I’m looking for.  But we’ll cross that bridge when the FedEx man delivers it.